BFKP has experience working with businesses and startups at all stages of development. With unique backgrounds and diverse skill sets, our team of attorneys bring an innovative approach to business law and offer a flexible overhead structure that larger firms are unable to match. Regardless of how big or small your company’s legal needs are, having hard-working, skilled attorneys on your team will save you time and stress, and allow you to focus on what’s really important to help your business grow.
We begin every partnership with a face to face consultation. Not only does this consultation allow us to understand your legal needs, but it also helps us become familiar with your company’s goals and strategic objectives. When we later begin designing an individualized plan, we can then be thoughtful of both the company’s immediate needs, as well as the longer term risks we want to help protect against in the future.
During this initial consultation we may discuss issues like your business structure, agreements and contracts, your intellectual property, website terms and conditions, and strategies for mitigating risk. We also work with our clients to determine a fee structure that makes the most sense for their specific needs, whether it’s a flat rate, a fixed monthly retainer or some kind of combination of the two. Below are two case studies that shed a little more light on how we work with our business clients.
Fixed Fee Client: Company A is a financial services startup that is in its first year of business. During our initial consultation we learned that the partners were working without an operating agreement. Within a few days we were able to draft this document and protect the individual interests of the two partners. Several weeks later they followed up to have us draft their website’s terms of service and privacy policy. For both of these services we offered a fixed rate, for which we created products uniquely suited to the company’s needs. From there, the company has continued to engage us on discrete legal matters as they arise. For a company in the startup phase, investing in legal fees before the problems arise mitigates risk and saves money later.
Monthly Retainer Client: Company B is an established online marketing company that has a consistent set of legal needs. When they approached us they were working with a large law firm, yet had found they were reluctant to involve them in matters because of the firm’s exorbitant hourly rate. We decided to work with them on a monthly retainer — in exchange for a flat fee, based on an estimated number of hours of work, the client can call us anytime a problem arises. By spending a fixed amount every month, they never have to make the determination of whether or not an issue necessitates involving lawyers, and they can accomplish more with less stress.
If necessary, we can also represent you in business litigation proceedings.
It is important to cover all of your legal bases when setting up your business. An experienced New York City business lawyer is available to help. Call us today.